To make your new hair last as long as possible and to help prevent damage to your scalp, natural hair or the extensions, please consistently practice the following:
Use the professional shampoo prescribed.
For K-Tips and Tape Ins, WAIT 24-48 HOURS before wetting or washing. After that time follow the instructions below.
If you have K-Tips, you must separate the K-Tips by gently pulling them apart with your fingers to avoid shed hairs from tangling together.
Gently brush extensions thoroughly before washing to remove any tangles.
Now that your hair is thicker, you may divide the hair into two sections on either side of the head to wash or multiple ponytails and wash section-by-section.​
Dispense shampoo into hands and rub together.
Begin at the scalp and massage shampoo into the hair using a “Z” formation. Do not use a circular motion or flip head upside down as this causes tangles.
Always condition and use the professional conditioner prescribed.
Apply conditioner from mid-shaft down to the ends of your hair and leave on for 2-3 minutes.
Rinse completely.
You may use a leave-in conditioner to help detangle and keep your hair protected and nourished.
Use a boar bristle at least 2x daily to remove any knots or tangles.
Gather hair into a low ponytail & hold securely close to scalp. Starting at the ends brush through tangles carefully working your way up toward the scalp.
Be sure to section your hair and brush BETWEEN the extensions and over the top of the point of attachment.
ALWAYS SEPARATE K-TIP BONDS by gently pulling them apart with your fingers to prevent the shed hairs from tangling together.
ALWAYS brush hair in this manner, entirely detangling before it gets wet!
Gently wring as much water from your hair as possible. Then briefly AIR DRY before using a blow dryer.
Air drying completely is not recommended for weft installations.
Use a leave in conditioning spray before detangling.
Using a blow dryer and your hands or flat brush, dry the hair from the top down, scalp to ends. REMEMBER: Top of wefts must be completely dried! DO​ NOT USE HIGH HEAT NEAR THE EXTENSIONS POINT OF ATTACHMENT.
When 75% of the moisture is gone from the ends, apply styling products.
Use a round brush to style if desired.
Human Hair extensions are safe to use with thermal tools like curling wands, flat irons, etc. ALWAYS combine your natural hair with extension hair when curling.
Temperature setting depends on your natural hair. You may use between 270-350 degrees on your extensions when proper heat protectants are applied BEFORE styling products.
Use of products outside of recommendations are done at the risk of damaging or reducing the life of your extensions and your natural hair.
ALWAYS brush and wet your hair with fresh tap water and apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner to the ends PRIOR to swimming in any body of water.
Place hair in loose "bubble" ponytail or braid.
If you swim in salt water, a bubble braid works best and will help you avoid tangling.
Right AFTER swimming, its best to wash your hair. If you are unable to wash right away, you must rinse extensions well with fresh tap water and spray with leave-in conditioner. THEN REFER TO DRYING section of this care list.
Brush hair gently removing all tangles and loosely braid before sleeping.
NEVER go to bed with wet hair. It can cause tangling close to the scalp. If this occurs, schedule an appointment immediately.
Sleeping with a silk pillow case to retain your moisture and shine is recommended.
BELLAMI hair goes through an extensive process to achieve the colors they offer. The dye used is not traditional hair dye & therefore the hair will not accept traditional hair color in the manner one may expect. NEVER COLOR YOUR HAIR EXTENSIONS!​
It is NORMAL for all hair to fade. If you feel the color of your extensions need to be refreshed or altered in any way, please contact the salon to discuss options.